Reconeasy Collabo
‌Works wherever you are

A next-level communication and confirmation tool for MDs and engineers is
ready for the inter-processing medical work environments, especially for PSI.
• Last step of reconeasy series
• Developed for interoperability
  from 3D modeling
  to 3D printing  
• Browser-based operation without installation
• Run on laptop, desktop, tablet, mobile  
• 3D model control
• Easy controlling UI
‌   (orientation, transformation, random plan)
• High-resolution data fast-handling 
• Fusion 2D DICOM data and 3D data 
• Save request history
‌• Image capture
• Download STL files (account holder only)

• Request 3D design modification
• Consult for 3D printing
  (material, color, transparency, etc.)
‌• Text / Image / Handwriting memo available
• Confirm models for 3D printing

Patient Specific Instruments

‌‌PSI(Patient Specific Instruments) known as CMD(Custom-made Medical Device) should be based on individual medical images. 











We have four types of products for surgeons to help them to achieve surgical precision.

For example, clinical cases like the following.

PSI Order 

It's easier and faster than you imagined.


Integrated PSI Manufacturer

The founder of SEEANN SOLUTION realized that it was best to provide the necessary convenience through collaboration experience with numerous medical doctors over 20 years in the medical imaging field. 

That’s why our team thinks that the most important thing is to understand the people who want to apply our technology to improve their quality of life. For this reason, we decided to develop both SaMD and CMD to provide fast and inter-processing one-stop PSI service. 

We are achieving our goals every day as planned.



10  ·  Reconeasy selected as a High-Quality Product (ICN)
09  ·  Signed MOU with Lima Korea
      ·  Recognized for contributions to startup activation (ICN)
      ·  Recognized as an outstanding company
         (Korea University Guro Hospital Open Lab)
06  ·  Class II medical devices approved (surgical guidance)
04  ·  Gold prize at the Incheon Metropolitan City Science
          and Technology Awards
03  ·  Participated in Bio-Health Industry Core Tech
         Development and Corporate Support Program
01  ·  Signed MOU with Mercer University (USA)

12  ·  Best Award at K-Digital Grand Championship (MSIT)
11  ·  Recognized for excellence in technology innovation
          by Incheon SME administrator
10  ·  Best Award at 4th Venturium Demo Day (KTOA)
05  ·  Initiated Advanced Smart Hospital Model Development
03  ·  Selected for the SW High Growth CLUB
02  ·  Signed MOU with Chungbuk Bio-Health
          Industry Innovation Center

12  ·  Signed MOU with CGBIO
11  ·  Won excellence award in 3D printing applications (NIPA)
      ·  Signed MOU with Cell to In-vivo Imaging R&D Center
      ·  Signed MOU with Stryker Korea
10  ·  Recognized for startup excellence
          by Chungbuk governor
      ·  Class II SaMD manufacturing certification
         (reconeasy 3D)
09  ·  Selected for BigWave Program (ICCEI)
      ·  Selected for TIPS
08  ·  Started supplying surgical guidance to hospitals
06  ·  Class II medical devices approved (surgical guidance)
      ·  Signed MOU with JPI Healthcare
05  ·  Acquired medical device K-GMP certification
      ·  Class II medical devices approved
         (animal surgical guidance)
      ·  Class III medical devices approved (animal bone plate)
04  ·  Acquired authorization for medical device importation
      ·  Registered for manufacturing and importing of
         surgical instruments
02  ·  Registered copyrights for software (reconeasy series)
      ·  Class II medical devices approved
         (animal surgical guidance)
      ·  Class III medical devices approved
         (animal custom plates and screws)
01  ·  Registered as a 3D printing service company

12  ·  Designated as a veterinary medical device 
10  ·  Selected as an Open Nest 200 Company
         (Korea Credit Guarantee Fund)
09  ·  Acknowledged as an excellent venture business
06  ·  ClassⅠmedical devices approved (finger splints)
05  ·  Signed MOU with CEP Tech
03  ·  Signed MOU with T&R Biofab
      ·  Signed MOU with University of Medicine and
          Pharmacy at HCMC
      ·  Signed MOU with National Key Lab for Digital Control               and System Engineering at HCMC

06  ·  Authorized as a venture business company
      ·  Signed MOU with AAM Korea
05  ·  Authorized as a medical device manufacturer
      ·  ClassⅠmedical device approved
         (custom hand orthoses)

11  ·  Approved as a corporate-affiliated research institute
10  ·  Received the I-STAR FUNDing Up Contest award (ICN)
07  ·  Established Seeann Solution Co., Ltd

Efficacy of a Customized Three-Dimensional Printing Surgical Guide for Tibial Plateau Leveling Osteotomy: A Comparison with Conventional Tibial Plateau Leveling Osteotomy
JayonKim, JaeeunKo, JaehwanKim, Anna Seo, KidongEom, Front. Vet. Sci., 25 November 2021 (ISSN: 2297-1769, Impact Factor: 3.12)

Development of cloud-based collaboration service for custom medical device production.
Young-Jin Jeong, Tae-Han Kim, Anna Seo.(2021). 한국컴퓨터그래픽스학회 학술대회,46-47.

A Patellar Surgery Haptic Simulator for Veterinary Training.
Lee Jun, Eom KiDong, Seo Anna, J Korea Comput Graph Soc 2020;26(1):1-6. (pISSN: 1975-7883, eISSN: 2383-529X)

Over-the-wire deployment techniques of option elite inferior vena cava filter: 3D printing vena cava phantom study.
Byung Geon Park, Anna Seo, Sang YubLee, Jung GuenCha, JihoonHong, HoseokLee, Jun Heod, Young Woo Do, European Journal of Radiology Open, March.03.2020. (ISSN: 2352-0477, Impact Factor: 1.770)

Finite Element Analysis of Wrist Orthosis with 3D Printing.
Choi, Hyeun-Woo, Inyeong Kang, Gunwoo Noh, Anna Seo, and Jong-Min Lee. Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology 13, no. 7 (December 31, 2019): 947–53. doi:10.7742/JKSR.2019.13.7.947.

Produced Body Customized 3D Print Finger Brace Using Dicom File.
Choi, Hyeun-Woo, Ji-Eun Park, Jung-Hun Kim, An-Na Seo, and Jong-Min Lee. Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology 13, no. 4 (August 31, 2019): 597–603. doi:10.7742/JKSR.2019.13.4.597.

Mallet Finger Lattice Casts Using 3D Printing.
HyeunwooChoi, Anna Seo, JongminLee, Journal of Healthcare Engineering, Jul.01.2019.(ISSN: 2040-2295, Impact Factor: 1.295)

Changes in Pectoral Muscle Volume During Subacute Period after Radiation Therapy for Breast Cancer: A Retrospective up to 4-year Follow-up Study.
Anna Seo, Jong-Moon Hwang, Jong-min Lee, Tae-Du Jung, Scientific Reports(Nature), May.07.2019. (ISSN: 2045-2322, Impact Factor : 4.259)

Ideal scaffold design for total ear reconstruction using a three-dimensional printing technique.
Jung BK, Kim JY, Kim YS, RohTS, SeoA, Park KH, Shim JH, Yun IS.,J Biomed Mater Res B Appl Biomater. Sep.2. 2018. (ISSN1552-4981, Impact Factor: 2.674)

A Multimodal Biomicroscopic System based on HighfrequencyAcoustic Radiation Force Impulse and Multispectral Imaging Techniques for Tumor Characterization Ex vivo.
JihunKim, Anna Seo, Jun-Young Kim, Sung HyoukChoi, Hyung-JinYoon,EunjooKim, Jae YounHwang1, Scientific Reports(Nature), Dec.13.2017 (ISSN: 2045-2322, Impact Factor : 4.259)

Ankle-Foot Orthosis Made by 3D Printing Technique and Automated Design Software.
Yong Ho Cha, KeunHo Lee, Hong Jong Ryu, Il Won Joo, Anna Seo, Dong-Hyeon Kim, Sang Jun Kim, Applied Bionics and Biomechanics, vol. 2017, Article ID 9610468, JUL. 2017. (ISSN: 1176-2322, Impact Factor : 0.703)

Analysis of acetabular orientation and femoral anteversion using images of three-dimensional reconstructed bone models.
JaeyeongPark, Jun-Young Kim, Hyun DeokKim, Young Cheol Kim, Anna Seo, MinkyuJeJong, MunBiaKim, Il Hyung Park, Shin-Yoon Kim, International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, Vol.12(5), pp. 855-864, May.2017. (ISSN: 1861-6410, Impact Factor: 1.86 )

Deltoid muscle volume affects clinical outcome of reverse total shoulder arthroplasty in patients with cuff tear arthropathy or irreparable cuff tears.
Jong PilYoon, Anna Seo, JeongJun Kim, Chang-Hwa Lee, Seung-Hun Baek, Shin Yoon Kim, EunTaekJeong, Kyung-Soo Oh, Seok Won Chung, PLOSONE, Mar.2017. (ISSN: 1932-6203, Impact Factor: 2.766 )

Beautiful design and layout.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus et nisl ex. Maecenas dignissim volutpat efficitur. Nullam hendrerit dui mattis sapien pulvinar blandit.
  • Mieke Visser
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  • now
  • 1
  • 15
Excellent work! Great presentation!
Quisque ut urna tempus, aliquam libero vitae, viverra lacus. Nunc dictum viverra elit, sed tincidunt turpis tincidunt vel.
  • Suraj Gajjar
  • category
  • 5 hour ago
  • 25
  • 7
Awesome work..really very inspirational job
Etiam ut sapien mauris. Nullam molestie elit sem, accumsan lacinia eros condimentum in. Morbi varius turpis in sapien rhoncus, at sagittis massa accumsan.
  • Jit Pandkar
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  • 3 days ago
  • 142
  • 7
Aenean malesuada non libero a auctor
Vivamus sollicitudin leo quis suscipit cursus. Fusce tristique justo vitae risus elementum, sit amet maximus lectus finibus. Vivamus tristique tristique turpis. Vivamus quam mi, imperdiet ac orci id, facilisis dictum massa Nunc condimentum molestie risus. Nullam mollis quam.
  • Den Kdivinich
  • category
  • dev 22
  • 187
  • 7
Phasellus et nisl
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus et nisl ex. Maecenas dignissim volutpat efficitur. Nullam hendrerit dui mattis sapien pulvinar blandit.
  • James Kyriakou
  • category
  • dev 7
  • 58
  • 7
Etiam ut sapien mauris
Quisque ut urna tempus, aliquam libero vitae, viverra lacus. Nunc dictum viverra elit, sed tincidunt turpis tincidunt vel. Praesent eget metus sapien. Maecenas viverra quam justo, eu rhoncus elit congue non.
  • James Kyriakou
  • category
  • nov 31
  • 69
  • 7
Excellent work! Great presentation!
Etiam ut sapien mauris. Nullam molestie elit sem, accumsan lacinia eros condimentum in. Morbi varius turpis in sapien rhoncus, at sagittis massa accumsan.
  • Mieke Visser
  • category
  • nov 17
  • 81
  • 7
Beautiful design and layout.
Vivamus sollicitudin leo quis suscipit cursus. Fusce tristique justo vitae risus elementum, sit amet maximus lectus finibus. Vivamus tristique tristique turpis. Vivamus quam mi, imperdiet ac orci id, facilisis dictum massa Nunc condimentum molestie risus. Nullam mollis quam.
  • Den Kdivinich
  • category
  • nov 2
  • 114
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Stay Connected with Seeann Solution

SEEANN SOLUTION is a company that develops medical image-based 3D modeling and customized medical device design software, and uses its software to design, manufacture, and supply products. The company has a lot of know-how through long cooperation with several large hospitals in Korea, and it is possible to work accurately and quickly with one-stop service from design to production.


CI(Corporate Identity)

SEEANN SOLUTION's CI(Corporate Identity) expresses "patient-centered medical services" and "providing solutions necessary for internal treatment" in a combination of symbols and logo types​.


The name of SEEANN SOLUTION is a combination of three keywords: See(시 siː ), Inside(안 an), and Solution(솔루션 səˈluː.ʃən). The combination means “to provide solutions necessary for internal treatment for the realization of precision medicine.” The main part of the name, “seeann,” is expressed in an intuitive English font.
Logo Color

Black symbolizes the patient's medical image, which is the basis of customized medical devices.
Blue indicates our responsibility in the realization of precision medicine and trust in medical professionals as players in the healthcare industry.
Green signifies hope for the patients' health and recovery.
Cyan, which appears as the gradient of the two, expresses the fusion of knowledge and various innovative technologies for the realization of precision medicine. The overall symbol in color and angle's gradation illustrates flexibility as a response to the rapidly changing environment.

The circle found at the top left of the symbol signifies SEEANN’s patient-focused technology. While each element in the technology is a segmented object, a structure connected in a linear relationship is expressed to create a singular result.
The diagonal line placed in the center is the boundary between our technology and the medical field, and the short straight line that supports it symbolizes the realization of the value in clinical application of custom-made medical devices. The curving of the ends of the two straight lines was intended to represent the shape of a human and simultaneously show adaptability to latest technology for patient-centered medical services.​


CI Signature system refers to a combination of the logo type and the symbol in optimal proportion. Signature types include Korean (Horizontal / Vertical), Mixed (Horizontal / Vertical), and Deformed.

#2603, M Bldg, Songdo IT Center, Songdogwahak-ro 32, Yeonsu-gu, Incheon, Korea

★ ‌Please send us message if you need more information or trial version of our SW.
